Mollie sent me the pattern and here's my result. Details about the give away below.

Stitch and colour choice were up to me. I adore rainbows so I decided to go with 6 different colours for Heaven.

Nature is stitched with a gorgeous blue/green cotton colour way I picked up from Lincraft last time I was in Penrith. I thought it went perfectly with the word nature.
For the words Heaven and nature I used back stitch.

For Sing I decided to use three single threads of three different gold colours spliced together to get a nice rich tone with highlights and lowlights. It is stitched in outline stitch with the highlights in a brighter yellow and split back stitch.
You can get the patten to embroider your own text from Joy To The World over on Wild Olive. Mollie also has "Repeat the Sounding Joy" and " Wonders of His Love" patterns and they're all avaliable as PDFs and have a Creative Commons license on them so head on over and check them out.

Don't embroider yourself or don't have time to embroider right now? I have decided to give away this embroidery.
What do you get?
One lucky winner will get this embroidery stitched with cotton thread on a soft cotton fabric in a plastic display hoop. I will send it anywhere in the world so you can enter where ever you live. I will be posting this off next week but it is coming from Australia and for other countries I can't guarantee it will get there before Christmas. There should be plenty of time but the postal systems at this time of year get a bit bogged down.
How do you enter?
To win you just have to head over to my Wallflowerarts etsy shop and then comment back here and let me know what your favourite item in my shop is. Comment here by Midday Tuesday 11th December (Australia EST) and you will be in the draw. Tuesday afternoon I'll use a number randomiser to pick a winner. Make sure to leave me some way to contact you so I can get an address to send the embroidery to.For an extra entry you could promote the giveaway with a link here from Facebook, Twitter or your blog. Just let me know in the comments.
Good Luck.

Tomorrow I will blog about the process of embroidering this pattern with progress photos